Meet Japan’s Foreign Trade Organization

Japan Foreign Trade Organization (JETRO)


The Japan Foreign Trade Organization was established in 1958 as a nonprofit institution under a special law passed by the Majlis. The purpose of the organization, with 100% of its capital belonging to the government, was to rebuild Japan’s economy through development. Exports and earnings were currencies. Despite the fact that the Jetro organization has full support from the Japanese government and its widespread support, it provides funding every year based on studies, research and services from the private sector. Experts say Research and information has been the key to the success of Japan’s exports and its economic strength.

Japan’s Foreign Trade Organization is an institution active in all economic activities of Japan, and no economic decision affecting Japan’s foreign trade will be implemented without its consent or consent.


Jetro’s relationship with the private sector


Jetro is exclusively and formally affiliated with a government agency (the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Japan) and has full autonomy and autonomy in all its activities and activities. “Jetro” through foreign branches and offices for this reason, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the United Nations always needs the detailed and substantive information that it provides on economic and trade issues. The business has gained the world and this information can be the basis of economic decisions and policies that the Japanese authorities are taking. In the simplest analysis, the “Foreign Trade Organization of Japan” is neither a government agency nor a commercial policy for Japan’s private sector, but an government-backed institution to provide services The need to advance the commercial goals of the Japanese private sector on the international stage.

Jetro’s activities included:

  1. To conduct research activities:

Jetro’s research is not limited to specific issues, but it is researching and studying in all areas that can influence the economy of the country. We will mention some of them:

  1. Information gathering
  2. Participation in exhibitions
  3. Adsense for Japanese goods
  4. Answers to applicants’ requests
  5. Provide advisory services
  6. Export Design

“Jetro” branches abroad collect information about the taste and taste of consumers of different goods in different markets or study technological advances in other countries in order to find out that What changes should be made to Japanese goods in order to better market the market. Such information can also be used to create or produce new goods.

8-Marketing for goods through agency offices

Jetro has established more than 80 offices or branches in 60 countries whose main task is to market for Japanese goods, invite buyer’s delegations, collect business information, engage in international markets, encourage investment Foreign in Japan, and examines economic and industrial (technological) developments in foreign countries.

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